Jewish Call for Peace Logo
CALL for
PEACE Lëtzebuerg
Jewish Call for Peace Logo

Resistance: They Fought Back

06 May 2025 (Tuesday) 19:00 Film & discussion, Free admission

16 Avenue de la Faïencerie L-1510 Luxembourg

Film (1h40) subtitled in French and English.

One of the prevailing narratives about the Holocaust is that Jews went to their deaths like sheep to the slaughter. Running contrary to this portrayal is the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising—the largest and most well-known act of Jewish resistance during World War II. The film Resistance: They Fought Back forcefully counters this narrative, going beyond a single example to highlight numerous acts of Jewish resistance, both violent and non-violent.

The film is being screened by Jewish Call for Peace. By showcasing the strength, resourcefulness, and resilience of the Eastern European Jewish community, this screening is part of our effort to reclaim our Eastern European Jewish history and identity. It also stands in opposition to the dominant Israeli mythology that depicts pre-WWII European Jews as weak and in need of transformation into the armed, heroic Israeli figure.

The acts of bravery portrayed in the film serve as a powerful reminder of Jewish traditions of solidarity, comradeship, and resistance against oppression.

"To be a Jew means always being with the oppressed, never with the oppressors." — Marek Edelman, a leader of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising.

Traditional European Jewish finger food will be served after the screening.


The Holocaust and the distortion of antisemitism

Video playlist

Event Playlist

01.02.2025, 16:30, Free entry

Culture Bar Luxembourg-Clausen
61 Rue de Clausen
L-1342, Luxembourg City

Speakers: Hilla Dayan, Nurit Peled-Elhanan, Amira Hass

Moderator: Martine Kleinberg (Jewish Call for Peace)

16:30 - 16:45

16:45 - 17:30
Amira Hass
- Merchandising the holocaust or the killing of history

17:30 - 18:15
Nurit Peled-Elhanan
- Holocaust education: the rhetoric of victimhood and power

18:30 - 19:15
Hilla Dayan
- "Antisemitism in the genes". Remembrance and ignorance in racial constructions of European minorities


From 19:30
Attendees are welcome to enjoy dinner at the Culture Bar and continue the discussion. To join, please reserve your table directly with the restaurant in advance.

Detailed Program

Programme détaillé

Who We Are

Jewish Call for Peace asbl (JCP) is a progressive and secular association, based in Luxembourg, which bases its action on humanist and universal values.

Created from the desire to bring a different Jewish voice on the Israeli-Palestinian question, it brings together Jewish and non-Jewish members with diverse backgrounds, identities and political opinions.


Our Vision

Jewish voices are plural. JCP wants to give a voice to those who advocate justice, equality and security for Israelis and Palestinians and an end to the Israeli occupation and colonization of the Palestinian territories.

We want to react to the confusion that has grown in recent years between the terms Jewish and Zionist, Jewish and unconditional defender of Israel, Jewish and Israeli.

It is necessary to clarify these misleading amalgams in order to safeguard the right to solidarity with the Palestinian people and to fight against antisemitic prejudices.

Our Mission

JCP has following objectives:

  • to contribute to the defense and promotion of democratic values of equality, solidarity, social justice and to fight against all forms of racism, especially anti-Semitic prejudice,
  • to make known the diversity of Jewish voices both politically and culturally,
  • to contribute at its own modest level to a just resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Our Values

From the Jewish heritage, we uphold above all the universal values of dignity, responsibility, and commitment against injustice. Together with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and international law, those values are the basis of our action.


Our Means of Action

Through open debates, cultural or political events, and media interventions, we want to reach out to all audiences.

We cooperate with other associations sharing the same values, among them associations encouraging the Jewish-Arab and Jewish-Muslim dialogue, beyond stereotype and essentialization.

Our Past Events


Membership form

To become adhering member, please fill in the form.

The annual fee is 15 EUR. We will send you the bank references by e-mail.

This form allows you to become adhering member. Adhering members are invited to participate in the general meetings of the association without voting rights. Full members are those who have been adhering members for one year and obtain an absolute majority of the votes of the full members present at the next general meeting.

If you wish to support our cause, you can also become a sympathizer. You will be informed of our activities. If you wish to show your support by making a donation, please write to and we will send you the bank details by e-mail.


Signature, please use your mouse or finger to sign.

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